German for management and specialist personnel.
Get in shape fast for working with German-speaking countries and cultures.
Global business relations require management that thinks globally; this is why more and more management positions are filled internationally. This development carries with it a multiplicity of challenges.
If you want to do well in a foreign country, it simply is not enough to have a good command of the foreign language. It is also important to understand the business system in the foreign country together with the cultures that are specific to companies and countries alike.
Our German training for specialist and management personnel has clear objectives; we prepare our clients rapidly and professionally for dealing with working in a German-speaking environment. We also equip them to deal with everyday life outside the work situation.
The proof of the pudding is in the eating: those who have participated in our courses feel more confident in German-speaking environments. In other words, they understand and can make themselves understood – still one of the main prerequisites for success.